Truflation token airdrop for community members


Hello good people!

As a crypto investor with a highly diversified portfolio spending
most of my day doing market research, I strongly rely on inflation data from Truflation
in order to effectively pre-empt changes in demand for BTC and as such support in buyer demand for tokens.

I believe that as a product it will become as much as a staple for traders both in conventional stock/raw materials/commodities, as it will be for people like us who prioritize our crypto-based portfolios.

As such, for me to promote it and support it with real investment is a no-brainer, and the threads on this forum, albeit not super long - provide a good insight into the structure of the underlying ideas incorporated to create such a reliable index and that allows traders to stay ahead of the curve.

I was wondering, as is evident in the chat many others of us are - if there would be an eligibility program for airdrops of TRUF tokens for the members of the community, and how we would go about accessing this.

Hope to hear a response soon, and know that I am already reallocating funds for the token release on Polkastarter tomorrow. :slightly_smiling_face:


As of right now there is no airdrop in plans for members, must partake in providing liquidity or running a node

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is there a way to run a node as of yet?

minimum for providing liquidity?

All right! :robot: Now i am holder TRUF and wait GOV for active life community.

Hey Tobbey, thanks for writing this compelling post.

Truflation is on the cusp of launching a new reboot in their ambassador program which will have crypto prizes, swag, and other opportunities for the most passionate and hardworking community members. Please stay tuned. You can sign up here

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Hi. Do you have any information about nodes and running them?

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